News Sea Machines Presenting at OSPR/Chevron Oil Spill Response Technology Workshop
February 27, 2019
Sea Machines’ Carlton Schumacher, sales manager, will discuss the many benefits autonomous-command and remote-control technology brings to marine spill prevention and response work during today’s OSPR/Chevron Oil Spill Response Technology Workshop, in San Ramon, Calif. To learn more about how Sea Machines’ industry-leading products enhance spill prevention, preparedness, response and recovery operations and post-spill analyses, read our blog article.
This OSPR/Chevron workshop is designed to showcase the latest innovations in spill prevention and response technology, including autonomous vessels, remote sensing, non-chemical dispersants, micro-skimmers and more. See the full workshop agenda here. The Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) is the spill-prevention and -response division of the California Department of Fish & Wildlife.