News WorkBoat Magazine: The Future of the Workboat Industry
October 23, 2018
WorkBoat magazine editor David Krapf shared his thoughts about the future of the workboat industry in a recent article on the publication’s website. In it, he discusses the role of new technology, such as Sea Machines products, and how they will shape workboat operations in the coming years. He wrote:
“Sea Machines … has been working since 2015 to develop the technology that’s purpose-built for workboats including patrol craft and ferries. The company has ‘a standardized platform that can be used in as many types of vessels as possible.’ … Advocates for autonomous technology say the goal is not to eliminate mariners, but to use the technology for mundane, routine tasks that frees up people for more demanding tasks. In some critical missions like security and fireboats, it can reduce the dangers to personnel.”
To read Krapf’s full article, click here, and be sure to watch for the November WorkBoat magazine issue, which focuses on autonomous technology.