
Pattern Autonomy

Industry Challenge

Many sectors of the commercial marine industry require highly predictable and precise routes. Spaced transit-leg, sweeping or grid patterns allow for hydrographic or bathymetric data collection and sea-floor mapping, patrol, search-and-rescue, pollution clean-up, fishing ground coverage, dredging progress and more. Conventional vessel operators often manually execute these tedious and fatigue-inducing tasks, which can lead to unnecessary cross-track errors (XTEs), data holidays, missed opportunities, fatigue-driven incidents and reduced productivity.

Our Solutions

Precise and predictable route execution

Autonomous self-piloting pattern and waypoint transit capabilities relieve mariners from manually executing planned routes, with greater precision and predictability. Autonomous marine systems also enable optionally manned or autonomous-assist (reduced crew) modes that can reduce mission delays and maximize effort. This is an important feature for anyone performing time-sensitive operations, such as on-water search-and-rescues or other urgent missions. Autonomy can improve the speed and accuracy of predefined and repetitive routes, and can reduce cross-track errors (XTE).

Planned patterns can be saved for repeat use and data is collected in real-time and stored for analytics and reporting.