Blog Sea Machines Talks Vessel Intelligence during WorkBoat Show Panel
December 4, 2018
During last week’s International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans, Sea Machines Founder and CEO Michael Johnson (shown left) served as a thought leader for the panel discussion, “Ship Intelligence: The Future is Here – Autonomous Vessels.” The conversation, moderated by WorkBoat magazine’s Kirk Moore, associate editor, centered on the opportunities and challenges those in the industry face when upgrading operations with autonomous-command and remote-control technology. Alongside Metal Shark CEO Chris Allard, Johnson offered insight and advice, and answered questions from the audience. To hear Johnson’s answers to several key questions, watch the short clips below.
What do your intelligent systems “see?” What are the inputs used?
Will Sea Machines systems replace man power with machines?
What are the advantages of autonomous vs. human-led operations?
In addition to providing panel expertise during the show, Sea Machines proved the capability and reliability of its autonomous-command technology with a series of six live demonstrations that remote-commanded a workboat in Boston, more than 1,500 miles away. For each performance, show attendees watched as the New Orleans-situated operator planned and deployed missions over secure connection to an SM300-enabled workboat in Boston. Read more here.
If you’re interested in learning more about Sea Machines’ autonomous-command and remote-control products for workboats, contact us here.